Día 4 en Valladolid: Las Lentejas

La Comida 
In my US Spanish class, I learned that el almuerzo is lunch, but found out that it is a snack eaten around noon in Spain.  At the University of Valladolid, students buy small sandwiches and coffee during the break between classes.  The sandwiches are all on white bread and some have ham and cheese, while others have tortilla. La comida is the big lunch eaten between 2 & 3.
Lentejas (en la cazuela) y Pavo (en el sarten)
I found out that una cazuela is a pot with two handles (las hasas) and un sarten is a pan with one handle (un mango). Chón started the lentils (las lentejas) cooking in water, then added raw, chopped onion (la cebolla), green bell pepper (el pimentón verde), garlic (el ajo), and salt (la sal) and it all came together to make a wonderful soup. She also added some chopped up hot dog (la salchicha), which I chose not to put in my bowl.

La Sopa de Lentejas
I loved this soup. It´s something you could just keep eating and eating!
La Ensalada Cruda y Pavo con Ajo Frijo
In the corner of the table is the bread we eat with lunch and dinner.  Chón buys a fresh loaf every day. I asked if it was the same as a baguette and found out that the kind we eat is called la barra, which is wider than la baguette.

The fried garlic added a new dimension to the otherwise plain turkey (el pavo).  Frying seems to be the preferred method of cooking in Spain.  One of my Californian family members despises garlic, so it´s fun getting to have it in so many dishes here! I really like how Chón has started serving raw vegetable salads with lunch. The salad was dressed with olive oil (el aceite de oliva) and white wine vinegar  (el vinagre de vino blanco).

I had a platerina for dessert, which is a donut nectarine. This fruit was new to me because we only have donut peaches (los paraguayos) in the U.S.  I think Chón´s fruit bowl (el frudero) is quite pretty.


  1. What time do you eat breakfast? -AM

  2. I eat breakfast at 8:15 since I leave for class around 8:35. Chón keeps the fridge stocked with plain and flavored yogurt, so I´ve been having a plain yogurt with fresh fruit, tea, OJ, and now whole wheat toast. She just had white bread and I asked if Spain had whole wheat bread(pan integral) because everywhere I go, I just see WHITE. She said she´d buy some whole wheat bread on her next grocery trip and she did! The bread in Spain isn´t particularly special. I definitely liked the ww seeded baguette I had with the Cadiers in Bordeaux much better.

  3. A lot of Spaniards only have coffee and toast for breakfast. Some of the students in my group complain a lot about having to subsist on cookies and packaged muffins, while others are offered fresh fruit. I lucked out getting to have a family who has yogurt and fruit!


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