Día 18 en Valladolid: Las Albóndigas con Salsa

 La Comida
Chón made meatballs by mixing ground beef (carne picada) with chopped garlic (ajo), a whole egg (huevo enterro), pepper (pimienta), parsley (perejil), salt (sal), and a little cumin (comino). She sprinkled some flour (harina) on a tray and then rolled the bolitas in that before frying.

Albóndigas están Freyendo

 Albóndigas en Agua
After they were done frying, Chón put the meatballs in boiling wáter to make them "más suave" (more soft).

La Salsa
Chón started by frying onion (cebolla) and green bell pepper (pimentón verde) in the oil from the meatballs.  She let this cook with a lid (una tapa) for a little while.  Then she added 2 bay leaves (hoja de laurel), some cloves of sliced garlic (ajo), some paprika, and a little flour (harina) and let it cook.  Then came 2 chopped and peeled tomatoes plus some oregano and this simmered with a lid for a little.

When the salsa was done, Chón poured it over the meatballs and added a little more water.  They simmered together for a 5-10 minutes to blend the flavors.

 "Las albóndigas cojen el sabor de la salsa." (The meatballs take on the flavor of the sauce.) --Chón
Las Judías Verdes con Refrito de Ajo
Chón fried some sliced garlic until golden then added a big scoop of paprika at the last minute.  This was poured over the boiled green beans.  When garlic is fried separatley, it´s called a refrito de ajo.

Las Albóndigas con Salsa
Bread is a must with this dish so you don´t let any sauce go to waste! 
Piel de Sapo
Toad´s skin melon is so good. It´s very much like honeydew.
