Día 27 en Valladolid: Canapés de Graduación

La Comida 
 Los Canapés
We graduated from our 4 week intensive Spanish program in Valladolid and had a lovely reception in the plaza of the Palacio de Santa Cruz. The canapés were delicious and very gourmet. The plate in the front next to the olives is tortilla, the tray kitty-corner is filled with puff pastries stuffed with tuna and herbs. The tray behind the puff pastries are squares of bread smeared with a creamy cheese and various toppings. One square had a green olive next and a piece of cured fish and the pink square was smoked salmon with some caviar on top (my favorite).

I leave tomorrow morning for Barcelona!

Las Verduras Hervidos
This was a mix of cauliflower (coliflor), peas (guisantes), carrot (zanahoria), tomatoes (tomates), hard boiled egg (huevo cocido), and green olives (aceituna verdes). We had the option of adding some balsamic vinegar (vinagre balsámico).

El Pollo con Pan Rallado

The chicken was delicious and tender. Chón dipped it in bread crumbs and fried it.

Piel de Sapo
I´ll miss this melon when I go back to the states.
