Día 20 en Valladolid: La Sopa de Lentejas con Guindilla

La Comida
 Refrito de Cebolla, Bacon, Ajo
Chón said a refrito is when you fry onions and garlic, etc, separately and then add them to something. This refrito was combined with cooked lentils for a wonderful lentil soup.

Un diente de ajo y la cáscara

 I learned the other day that the Spanish word for a clove of garlic is also the word for tooth, un diente. Also, garlic skin is called cáscara, not piel, which is just for fruit and vegetables.

La Sopa de Lentejas con una Guindilla

Lentil soup really hits the spot. The lentils were cooked with 2 bay leaves (hoja de laurel), and then bacon, onion (cebolla), and garlic (ajo) were added.

We all snipped some guindilla en vinagre (chili peppers in vinager) into our soup to give it a little extra pizzazz. These guindillas tasted like pepperocinis.  Lentil soup can be a little monochromatic, so I love the idea of topping it with bits of guindilla for a pop of color.

La Ternera Frito con Ajo

Veal fried with garlic. The guindilla went well with this.

Piel de Sapo

We finished the Toad´s Skin melon today. :-(
