Mañana 7 en Valladolid: El Yogur Natural

El Desayuno
El Yogur Natural (Desnatado) con Nectarina
This isn´t necessarily a typical Spanish breakfast.  Many Spaniards just have toast and coffee for breakfast. But Chón says we´re welcome to have toast, cereal, yogurt, and fruit.  I have been enjoying plain yogurt (desnatado means skimmed) with fruit, toast, and tea.  This nectarine was juicy & sweet. You can´t beat summertime stone fruit!
Sometimes I spread (verb=untar) cream cheese on my toast instead of strawberry jam. Spanish for cream cheese is queso cremoso, which sounds so much more gourmet!  All our dairy products are "light" or desnatado (0%) because Chón is concerned about her weight.

On my first day in Valladolid, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Chon is a tea drinker.  English Breakfast is the morning staple.

At the beginning of the week, I asked if whole wheat bread existed in Spain, because all the bread I was seeing was white.  Chón said that yes, it does exist.  I asked her if she likes whole wheat bread, but she looked at me a little askance and said that she just likes "normal" bread. She said she´d be happy to get some pan integral for my breakfast, though. It appeared in the breakfast nook the next day.  Chón is very thoughtful.
