Noche 24 en Valladolid: La Caballa Escabeche

La Cena
La Ensalada De Caballa Escabeche y Patatas
Chón boiled potatoes and mixed them with tomatoes (tomates), green olives (aceitunas verdes), hard boiled egg (huevo cocido), vinegar (vinagre), mackerel (caballa escabeche), olive oil (aceite de oliva), and vinager (vinagre).
La Caballa Escabeche
This was my first time having mackerel. Escabeche means brined. 

Paraguaya con Yogurt Natural
For dessert I had a donut peach with plain yogurt.


  1. What is the correct spelling of mackerel:
    caballa or cabballa? (i.e., one "b" or two?)

    I've never had mackerel. Is it similar to tuna in taste?

    1. Thanks for catching that. One b. Yes, I think it did have a taste similar to tuna.


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